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==>>Why Some Server Administrators Make Mistakes With Their Parent Directories?<<==

It happened because somebody just dropped a server on their network without fully considering the consequences of their action. They didn't bother to properly design a server access control list, and because it is available on the public internet, it gets listed on search engines. Quite often a server administrator is very upset at his mistake, and is looking to "pursue each ISP in attempts to track down the guilty parties". Some may even try to convince others that they're breaking some laws. Unfortunately, he is ignoring the person who had the most power to prevent this situation. Themself. Live, learn, realize that you made a mistake configuring your server, and get back to working. Unless your business is that of hunting PD Searchers, it really will not be worth your while to waste money and time chasing ISPs and shadows of people you have no legal right to pursue in the first place. Simply buck up to your mistake and be glad that there is a blog that lets people know if thier directory is open to the public.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Malicious Code

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Detecting Backdoors_files/ 04-Sep-2006 20:30 -
F-Secure Corporation Data Security Summary for 2004_files/ 04-Sep-2006 20:31 -
Malware Evolution 2005 - Kapersky Labs_files/ 04-Sep-2006 20:34 -
Skoudis - Infosec's Worst Nightmares Nov 2002_files/ 04-Sep-2006 20:40 -
Why Hackers Are a Giant Threat to Microsoft's Future_files/ 04-Sep-2006 20:42 -
Worms Wreak Havoc on the Net in '03_files/ 04-Sep-2006 20:43 -
A Framework for Modelling Trojans and Computer Virus Infection (1999).pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 228k
A New Approach To Mobile Code.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 422k
Advanced Windows 2000 Rootkit Detection - Execution Path Analysis.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 196k
Advanced Windows Rootkit Detection.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 119k
Attacking Malicious Code - A Report to the IRC.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 61k
Attacking Malicious Code - A report to the Infosec Research Council.doc 18-Jun-2005 20:00 84k
Automated Techniques for Provably Safe Mobile Code.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 266k
Beagle_Lessons.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 296k
Blaster Worm - View From 10000 Feet.pdf 09-Oct-2006 13:15 831k
Cascade, Monoculture, Policy.pdf 26-Jun-2005 14:29 872k
Detecting 0-days Attacks With Learning Intrusion Detection Systems.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 557k
Detecting Backdoors.htm 26-Jun-2005 12:38 79k
Detecting and Containing IRC-Controlled Trojans - When Firewalls, AV, and IDS Are Not Enough.htm 26-Jun-2005 12:38 15k
Evaluating Untrusted Software In a Controlled Environment.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 405k
Execution Monitoring of Security-Critical Programs in Distributed Systems - A Specification Based Approach.pdf
11-Jan-2006 11:25 1.1M
F-Secure Corporation Data Security Summary for 2004.htm 26-Jun-2005 12:38 56k
FTC Spyware Workshop - Monitoring Software on Your PC.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:37 1.1M
Flexible Policy-Directed Code Safety.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 93k
ICSA Labs 10th Annual Virus Prevalence Survey 2004.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 964k
Intrusion Prevention - Security's Silver Bullet.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 46k
MSRT Progress Made, Trends Observed.pdf 17-Jun-2006 19:05 843k
Malware Evolution 2005 - Kapersky Labs.htm 26-Jun-2005 12:38 57k
Meyers - Subversion The Neglected Aspect of Computer Security.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 3.6M
Microsoft Portable Executable and Common Object File Format Specification.doc 26-Jun-2005 12:38 900k
Mobile Code Security.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 135k
NISCC Briefing 082005 - Targeted Trojan attacks in the UK.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:34 73k
NSA - The Case for Using Layered Defenses to Stop Worms.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 174k
Network Magazine The Gathering DDoS Storm September 1, 2004.htm 26-Jun-2005 12:38 1k
Policy-Directed Code Safety.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 376k
Polygraph - Automatically Generating Signatures for Polymorphic Worms.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:37 171k
Polymorphic Macro Viruses.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 93k
Proof Carrying Code.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 316k
SANS ISC Report on Malicious BHOs.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 42k
Safe, Untrusted Agents using Proof-Carrying Code.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 377k
Sanbox II - Internet.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 161k
Sentiri - Advances in Trojan Technology.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 1.1M
Skoudis - Infosec's Worst Nightmares Nov 2002.htm 26-Jun-2005 12:38 40k
Strider GhostBuster - Why It´s A Bad Idea For Stealth Software To Hide Files.doc 26-Jun-2005 12:34 1.5M
The Complete Windows Trojans Paper.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 62k
The Future of Fighting Viruses - A History and Analysis of the Digital Immune System.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 241k
Viral Evolution - Infection vectors.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 128k
Virus Bulletin June 2003 - The Scalable Stealth Trojan.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 300k
Where There's Smoke There's Mirrors - The Truth about Trojan Horses on the Internet.htm 26-Jun-2005 12:38 86k
Why Hackers Are a Giant Threat to Microsoft's Future.htm 26-Jun-2005 12:38 35k
Worms Wreak Havoc on the Net in '03.htm 26-Jun-2005 12:38 102k
Zeltser - Reverse Engineering Malware.pdf 26-Jun-2005 12:38 241k
advanced-trojans.pdf 04-Sep-2006 21:05 1.1M
catching-malware-Detecting, Tracking, and Mitigating Botnets-BH-Japan-06.pdf 14-Oct-2006 12:23 2.8M
malicious_code.doc 19-Jun-2005 08:58 84k

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index of parent directory
An analysis of the Slapper worm.pdf">An analysis of the Slapper worm.pdf</A> 09-Oct-2004 22:45 225k
digital village_malware month.pdf">digital village_malware month.pdf</A> 09-Oct-2004 22:45 99k
Inside the Slammer worm.pdf">Inside the Slammer worm.pdf</A> 09-Oct-2004 22:45 415k
Internet intrusions_ global characteristics and prevalence.pdf">Internet intrusions_ global char..
09-Oct-2004 22:45 683k
Merry christma_ an early network worm.pdf">Merry christma_ an early network..
09-Oct-2004 22:45 501k
More bang for the bug_ An account of 2003's attack trends.pdf">More bang for the bug_ An accoun..
09-Oct-2004 22:45 192k
Next-generation viruses present new challenges.pdf">Next-generation viruses present ..
09-Oct-2004 22:45 83k
The Morris worm_ a fifteen-year perspective.pdf">The Morris worm_ a fifteen-year ..
09-Oct-2004 22:45 491k

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