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==>>Why Some Server Administrators Make Mistakes With Their Parent Directories?<<==

It happened because somebody just dropped a server on their network without fully considering the consequences of their action. They didn't bother to properly design a server access control list, and because it is available on the public internet, it gets listed on search engines. Quite often a server administrator is very upset at his mistake, and is looking to "pursue each ISP in attempts to track down the guilty parties". Some may even try to convince others that they're breaking some laws. Unfortunately, he is ignoring the person who had the most power to prevent this situation. Themself. Live, learn, realize that you made a mistake configuring your server, and get back to working. Unless your business is that of hunting PD Searchers, it really will not be worth your while to waste money and time chasing ISPs and shadows of people you have no legal right to pursue in the first place. Simply buck up to your mistake and be glad that there is a blog that lets people know if thier directory is open to the public.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

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Theologico-Political Treatise, Part I by Spinoza A.exe 16-Oct-2006 15:34 518k
Theologico-Political Treatise, Part II by Spinoza A.exe 16-Oct-2006 15:34 523k
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-- Travel

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index of parent directory
10-Things.pdf 05-Feb-2006 06:23 254k
147epubtips.pdf 05-Feb-2006 06:27 43k
5Step.exe 14-Dec-2006 13:54 358k
CL.ZIP 05-Feb-2006 06:32 736k
Dreams.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:04 377k
ERB.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:08 287k
FiringRange.pdf 14-Dec-2006 19:54 135k
HW.ZIP 12-Dec-2006 19:01 758k
KeepingKidsBusy.pdf 14-Dec-2006 16:02 167k
LotsWife.pdf 14-Dec-2006 20:05 170k
MD.ZIP 12-Dec-2006 19:02 464k
OntheNatureofGod.pdf 14-Dec-2006 20:06 132k
TheWriteAdvice.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:09 185k
XGIRL.ZIP 05-Feb-2006 07:16 1.3M
adtwist.exe 26-Sep-2006 13:40 185k
bankruptcy_book.pdf 05-Feb-2006 07:20 152k
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driving.exe 14-Dec-2006 16:00 377k
dynamic.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:04 185k 05-Feb-2006 07:31 68k
ezl-lite.pdf 05-Feb-2006 07:36 128k
ezpromoter.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:08 419k
freeadvertising.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:08 377k 05-Feb-2006 07:39 402k
getpub.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:08 685k
groundup.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:08 305k
handbook.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:08 185k
jobsearch_free.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:08 356k
killerads.exe 13-Oct-2006 10:08 377k
pressguide.pdf 14-Dec-2006 16:37 192k
promomatic.exe 14-Dec-2006 19:25 305k 14-Dec-2006 19:26 431k
salespitch.pdf 14-Dec-2006 15:54 36k
startbiz.pdf 05-Feb-2006 08:11 585k 05-Feb-2006 08:14 63k
wordofmouse1.pdf 05-Feb-2006 08:21 780k 05-Feb-2006 08:22 962k


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